Lauren Springs
Postdoctoral Scholar
I am a biocultural anthropologist and a recent grad from the anthropology department here at UT. I specialize in bioarchaeology and human population genomics. My research uses genetic and archaeological data to answer questions about recent human history and explore perceptions of identity and difference in human groups. Much of my work is geographically centered in Belize. My dissertation focused on cataloging health, population demography, and local economies in a British and African diaspora population as a way to better understand the biosocial effects of British colonization in Belize. Currently, I am partnering with collaborators and descendant communities in northern Belize to explore settlement history in the Maya Lowlands during periods of significant demographic change. In the Kemp Lab, I’ll be contributing to the management and development of the ancient DNA lab, and will be working as part of the SOAR research group.